Team Philippines has reclaimed the COPA!

This title showed our love for the Philippines.

In 2017, 71O7, a Filipino Smule group, represented the Philippines and won the Copa Mundial! They have maintained the subsequent seasons as Silver and Bronze medalists and earned the title, Titans of the Philippines!

This year, the Filipino Smulers from various groups, including the solo artists, have united to represent our country, the Philippines!

For us who were new to this competition, we were very intimidated and pressured. However, after being with these incredible singers, we all formed a bond with the same goal. Everyone put their best foot forward despite the adversities and health issues. The support was excellent, and our representative Ily was always on top of things!

Showing the world our creativity and voices was more than enough; for us winning the internationally renowned competition was a plus!

We are honoured to be a part of this journey with the other countries! There are many talented singers, and we salute everyone for giving their best shot!

Congratulations to the Philippines, Germany, Mexico and Netherlands! Thank you, Copa Mundial organisers, for this unforgettable experience! Thank you to the team members of the Philippines for the hard work and sacrifice! Thank you to all the Filipino supporters! We would not have made it this far without your encouragement and strength!